1. Music and Life Found via http://wherethehellismatt.typepad.com/blog/2008/08/05/index.html 1a. That blog post is quality stuff. The Yahoo version of the video is hilarious, at once uplifting becuase it’s spontaneous silliness and depressing because it’s corporate-planned desperation. The concept of this dude meeting Emotion Eric is hilarious. Those emails people send him are amazing. 1b. Those emails… Continue reading dance on a moonbeam
Author: judytuna
my hatred of politics knows no bounds, or people on the internet are awful
Stardock has a game called "The Political Machine." There’s a free version focusing on McCain and Obama. Browse the forums for a few seconds and you will find everybody lambasting the liberal bleeding hearts for making noise about Guantanamo Bay prisoners. You will also find racism and misogyny, as well as conservatives saying that liberals are… Continue reading my hatred of politics knows no bounds, or people on the internet are awful
from darcydodo: http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2008/sep/18/corpus.clock time is marching on. terrifying. on the bart on friday night, three hipster boys were singing “TIME (CLAP CLAP)… IS MARCHING ON (CLAP CLAP)… AND TIME (CLAP CLAP)… IS STILL MARCHING ON!” i smiled at them. on the muni after seeing the little mermaid with lisa/tom/kimberley, some boys next to us burst… Continue reading Untitled
47 seconds chained to a bunkbed with a velociraptor
I could survive for 47 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor can you believe i slept in the upper bunk of a bunkbed for like 7 years of my life? what a miserable existence. i remember stubbing my toe in the dark and missing rungs and not wanting to get up in… Continue reading 47 seconds chained to a bunkbed with a velociraptor
warhammer online
WAR is here! Yeah, the acronym is WAR, for "Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning". Haha. If any of you play, go on these servers:Order: SapheryDestruction: Monolith I’m on Monolith as a healertypething named Adeline. Eudemonia has free 7-day trial accounts to give out. I can get a basically unlimited number of them, so TELL ME… Continue reading warhammer online
1. ROFLROFLROFLROFL http://antispore.com/HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAH 2. There are a bunch of superheroes. One is named Invisible Man. But he’s made an enemy, who goes by the name Hates Invisible Man Man. He, in turn, has made an enemy named Hates Hates Invisible Man Man Man. This never fails to get me laughing. 3. In Hupa, the way… Continue reading Untitled
I must stop eating things that are garbage for my system. My tummy is in terrible condition. Pepto bismol is for the win. =(
Sins of a solar empire is DRM-free. http://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/post.aspx?postid=303512 It has sold 500,000 copies. http://arstechnica.com/journals/thumbs.ars/2008/09/05/solar-empire-moves-500-000-units I wish more game companies would take notice. All hail Stardock!
she cried
ch’oLts’it hay tin ch’inchwe’n ch’iwinchwiw she knew that she was ugly. she cried. in hupa, “she cried” is “ch’iwinchwiw” pronounced kinda like this: “ch’ oo wen chwoo” the ‘ is a glottal stop (?), like where your vocal cords start pressed together and then you make a sound “she uuugly” is “ch’inchwe’n” i can’t pronounce… Continue reading she cried
gan lan xu
One day last month or a few months ago, Jenny and I were in her car and she said “Judy, do you know what genre of music I just discovered? Taiwanese folk music. I really like it.” I thought she meant like… OLD folk music, like the stuff we used in chinese dance, but she… Continue reading gan lan xu