Korean article on women in esports, translated by a member of the TL community: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=181644 I haven’t even read half the article yet, but: Lee So-Ra: Have you ever thought ‘I wish I was born a man’? Jung So-Lim: I wish that I would be born a man in my next life every time I… Continue reading women in a 99%-male field
Author: judytuna
kinect sports
These are my siblings, Raymond and Annie. Annie just got home from Japan–she’s been there since May for study abroad. We were definitely overdue for some silliness. This is me locked in epic combat with a member of our extended family. He is a very fierce competitor. Just look at those kicks. My favorite moment… Continue reading kinect sports
kinect sports
Spot sings League of Legends holiday carols
Tonight, I made Spot the Octopus sing two holiday carols for 25MTS! 1. Spot the Octopus – League of Legends Jingle Bells 2. Twelve Days of Snowdown, but, uh, I can’t upload things > 2 mb. haha Well, here they both are on Posterous, because it has a built-in flash player. http://spottheoctopus.posterous.com/spot-sings-lol-holiday-carols xposted on https://judytuna.com/2010/12/spot-sings-lol-carols/
Spot sings LoL carols
Tonight, I made Spot the Octopus sing two holiday carols for 25MTS! 1. Spot the Octopus – League of Legends Jingle Bells 2. Twelve Days of Snowdown, but, uh, I can’t upload things > 2 mb. haha Well, here they both are on Posterous, because it has a built-in flash player. http://spottheoctopus.posterous.com/spot-sings-lol-holiday-carols Lyrics: Jingle Bells… Continue reading Spot sings LoL carols
After maiki wrote about Lullatone, I got Songs that Spin in Circles because I am trying to relax. I like it. =) I’ll probably get Looping Lullabies next. I like the pure instrumentals more than the ones with vocals, even if they are background-level. I particularly like “Tops on a Table”, because it’s got this… Continue reading Lullatone
first spam
This blog just got its first-ever spam comment. It got placed into Askimet’s “pending” queue, and I marked it as spam. Hooray!
kindergarten was a long time ago
While I was at home, I only looked in one box. I found a small plastic bag of pictures. Here is just one of them. I’ll scan them at some point, but the power is out in half of my apartment, so I’m camped out in the living room right now. https://judytuna.com/2010/12/kindergarten-was-a-long-time-ago/
kindergarten was a long time ago
Lindsay, Jeff, me, ?, ?, ? Foreground: the back of Victor’s head, Greg’s lunchbox, and Greg.
25 Minutes To Surrender: episode 8 progress report
I’m helping Jamal at Eudemonia with a League of Legends fan podcast! It’s called 25 Minutes To Surrender and it’s tons of fun. Jamal is doing a great job of pulling everyone together (read: lighting fires under our butts) and generating show content. Our other regular cast members are Aaron, Will T, Razvan, Greg, Chi,… Continue reading 25 Minutes To Surrender: episode 8 progress report