hey! it’s a song by third eye blind! i found it last year when everybody called me “narcoleptic vampire” and napster was still up. ah, the joy of mp3 piracy. “i try to keep awake i try to keep awake i try to keep awake but i can feel the narcolepsy start (slide?), TO ANOTHER… Continue reading narcolepsy
thinking about RSA – public key encryption =)
prime numbers that boggle the brain. i love this stuff, it’s so much better than calc or math 54 matrices/linear independence/invertible crap!!!!! aaaghh!!! i like thinking about modulo and number theory and counting… yeah right, this i what i say now, ask me again on friday (that’s when my first midterm is) and see what… Continue reading thinking about RSA – public key encryption =)
I WENT SAILING TODAY!!! www.cal-sailing.org … i hopped on the 51M bus, rode to berkeley marina, hopped off and met amanda ravi chrisyang leonard, hopped on a sailboat, hopped with happiness inside said sailboat… =) i yahooed sailing cuz rol cindy and i were talking about how much we wanted to go sailing, and after… Continue reading sailing!
inspired by hsiaoee’s faithfully daily entries, i have now decided to try to update this a little more regularly than i have been (which is not regularly at all). whee bs. the truth: JUDY IS PROCRASTINATING!!! whoa what a surprise, judy NEVER does that. judy never refers to herself in the third person either, does… Continue reading Untitled
look! this is my first livejournal entry. how special. i’ve always wanted to stake a claim out there in cyberspace, fence it in nicely and build a cute little house to put my jumbled up thoughts in. maybe i’ll plant some flowers and build myself a swimming pool, get a couple of horses or something.… Continue reading Untitled