Agrigola hit the shelves at Eudemonia last Thursday. We were very excited. We had ordered 30 copies because we expect the demand to be very high. Here’s why: it’s already rated 2nd only to the venerable Puerto Rico on boardgamegeek, and up ’til this month it was only available in Germany. Buzz abounds. As soon… Continue reading agricola
Author: judytuna
i have a lot of useless shit
wherein derek is FUCKING LEET
RENT is winding down, so they had a competition for a fan video tribute. Derek won. Yes. My old roommate. I used to live with this guy. FUCKING LEET I’M TELLING YOU. He won a chance to meet the cast/RENT team and maybe go to the final Broadway performance, but he already has a gig… Continue reading wherein derek is FUCKING LEET
i’m in a much better mood now because a kid walked up to me and said “judy are you good at math? cuz ory says to walk up to any asian and they’ll know math” he asked for help with two math problems. he’s gonna be taking an entrance exam for community college later this… Continue reading Untitled
1. Blizzcon tickets are sold out. None of us scored any. Fritz refreshed for most of the last 36 hours that he was awake. I refreshed at 8pm when they were supposed to go on sale… you know what, I don’t even feel like taking the effort to complain about it. Suffice it to say… Continue reading ugh.
it was so much fun. the whole thing was a giant string of inside jokes. there was mulder, sitting at his desk, and as soon as the camera started to pan upward, everyone in the whole theater knew what was coming: pencils! look at mulder fondling a sunflower seed with his lips. look at scully… Continue reading xf2!
hi mercuryfading!
kristin nudged me! so i’m going to post. i’ve been busy lately. last week, there were some network problems at work that made me emo. last weekend, i went camping with fritz, jenny, dylan, dave, and jen, who i met for the first time, on the beach just south of santa cruz. we roasted marshmallows… Continue reading hi mercuryfading!
team fortress 2 is fun
just finished a session of TF2 with fritz. “AAAA WHAT’S GOING ON?!” played a medic the whole time. rightclick to uber, and the medic one makes you and the person you’re healing invulnerable. fritz went and pyroed 7 people in one invuln streak and little trophies shone over our heads!
i’m testing out, a way for you to send status updates and blogs to many social networking websites at once. i’m posting via gchat –> AIM right now. let’s see how this works out.
fghsfghsdgafg testing out flock! wow. Blogged with the Flock Browser