So there are things all over the internet the 40th anniversary of apollo 11, right? and google logos and youtube logos and such? I looked up what Buzz Aldrin’s first words on the moon were, because we’ve all always been sympathetic to Buzz Aldrin, who’s totally eclipsed by Neil Armstrong. I mean, I know… Continue reading Buzz Aldrin is so gangsta.
Author: judytuna
This morning, I had a bizarrely detailed dream. I was a student, and it was finals week, and on the street I saw a flyer saying “study at MAIN STACKS 2!” It was posted on a wooden telephone pole and I stared at it for a long time because I thought the ad was put… Continue reading dream
Untitled <–I may die laughing from a comment to a post on the origins and metrical details of the "mama se, mama sa, ma ma coo sa" part of "wanna be startin' somethin" GOD I LOVE THE INTERNETS.
noisy nora by rosemary wells
Jack had dinner early, Father played with Kate. Jack needed burping, so Nora had to wait. First she banged the window. Then she slammed the door. Then she dropped her sister’s marbles all on the kitchen floor. “Quiet!” said her father. “Hush,” said her mum. “Nora,” said her sister, “Why are you so dumb?” Saw… Continue reading noisy nora by rosemary wells
apartmentmate needed
If you know anyone looking for a room in san francisco: $725/mo. Mission at Highland. Parking space included if needed (it’s a garage shared with our upstairs neighbors). Our kitchen has a dishwasher and nice range/oven/etc, the common space is spacious and sunny and great for having some people over once in a while (not… Continue reading apartmentmate needed
When Chandra left for Alaska, she left us her dragons to care1 for. They are babies and very cute. For the past few weeks, Fritz has mostly taken care of feeding them–the actual picking up of crickets and mealworms and tossing them into the aquarium2. I am content to sit by and watch. Today he’s… Continue reading Untitled
A lot has happened in the last three weeks. June 5-7: kayaking on the Russian River for Lisa’s birthday and pre-wedding celebration. – Kayaking is fun. – I’m a sprinter. – We’re getting old. Almost everybody we hang around is paired off. – Tree swallows are kind of blue on their backs. You can tell… Continue reading Untitled
pendulum snake
Okay guys, this is really important. I need you to explain to me what a phase portrait is. More to the point: what do these red lines mean?! from x is what? y is what? One of them is time, right? And what the fuck does that pair of equations mean with those dots… Continue reading pendulum snake
I have lately read the seminal work Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. YOU GUYS. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES. IT IS AMAZING. And hilarious. Though I was initially put off by the repeated references to her training by Shaolin monks in China, and the fact that her most essential tool was her Katana sword. But… Continue reading Untitled
just played plants vs. zombies for like 7 hours. it’s past 5am now. don’t understand where the time goes. it’s a good game. credits say george did the design and laura did all music and sound. solid. ~$20