The list of blog posts I owe myself includes and is not limited to: guy kawasaki lean startup conf (& the notes i took that are on Blazing Cloud’s blog now) organizing a railsbridge buying an erhu and a cajòn skydiving over xmas break epic music party at our house on nye ouya – blazing… Continue reading the world is small and awesome
Category: life
Field games
Yesterday there was an archery party at Redwood Bowmen, and Neal asked Spot the Octopus to sing at the event. He had asked us to sing for a similar party around this time last year, and that’s when we all got into archery. We sang a fun set and the crowd seemed really entertained! Squirrel… Continue reading Field games
Lightning Talks 8/21!
I facilitated the Women Who Code lightning talks at Parisoma on 8/21! Chiu-ki took video, so here they are:
I’m in Berlin!
for the Wikipedia Hackathon: Berlin 2012! I’m going on a sightseeing trip led by a WMF Germany volunteer: I am in the lounge area of the hostel for wifi right now, and met a bunch of other people attending the Wikipedia hackathon. One of them was the creator of the “I’m hacking” badges:
Annie graduated!
My sister graduated from college on Friday! My whole family flew out to Boston on Wednesday night. Taking the red-eye is brutal. The theme for the baccalaureate on Thursday was hoops, and it was a beautiful ceremony–lots of memories. The speaker at the commencement on Friday was Melissa Harris-Perry, and here’s an official video of… Continue reading Annie graduated!
Lights music video using Three.js
I like Ellie Goulding’s song Lights, which I found out about through the Bassnectar remix. It’s my favorite dubstep. I just found out that HelloEnjoy created an interactive music video for Lights using Three.js and WebGL. They wrote up the technology here: It’s a good read — there are details about how they chose… Continue reading Lights music video using Three.js
DeCadence turns 20!
DeCadence, my collegiate a cappella group, turns 20 this year. I was in it from 2001 to 2005 or so. DeCadence is doing phenomenally well — they sound better than ever, and just won ICCA quarterfinals a few months ago with an emotionally powerful set and really tight choreography. Today they hosted a grand reunion… Continue reading DeCadence turns 20!
m & e
maiki and Emma came to visit a few days ago. Emma is growing up so fast. E smiled at me and tried to take my glasses. Their love is abundant.
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
From Marianne Williamson: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.’ We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a… Continue reading Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
On reaching my limits
On Thursday, I broke. I started to panic in the morning. I realized later that it was because I hadn’t had a second to myself since Monday, Feb. 20, because I went to BeMyApp, Angelhack, and PyCon on all the weekends, and had events and classes on all the evenings. I am also doing a… Continue reading On reaching my limits