Services, scale, backgrounding – David Copeland – GoGaRuCo ’12

David Copeland, Based on his personal experience at LivingSocial, building Payments app. Story of rasonable programmers making reasonable decisions leading to WTF Resque – creating a job that will be serviced by the NewPersonEvent class, given id when run, jam into redis (which is superfast key value store). So this will be fast, way… Continue reading Services, scale, backgrounding – David Copeland – GoGaRuCo ’12

webkit/chromium performance @gogaruco12! Cargo Cult Web Performance Optimization – Ilya Grigorik

Tweets by igrigorik Ilya Grigorik rough notes Cargo Cult Web Performance Optimization 3 major components netowrk server browser execution server – rails app server network – shows different & moving components in the network stack. look at some things chrome does for htis browser execution network stack: an average page has grown to 1059kB (over… Continue reading webkit/chromium performance @gogaruco12! Cargo Cult Web Performance Optimization – Ilya Grigorik

Heather Rivers – Linguistic Potluck – crowdsourcing localization in rails!

I LOVED this talk!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4. Heather Rivers – linguistic optluck – crowdwourcing localization with rails @heatherrivers Started w/ Ruby at a startup weekend and discovered the true way (cheers lol). Computer aren’t ready to do natural language processing just yet. Sometimes, we need computers to be able to serve content in different languages. token: “{friend}… Continue reading Heather Rivers – Linguistic Potluck – crowdsourcing localization in rails!

Building a Rails Engine – gogaruco12

@ Positive Building a Rails Engine 0.14 11/11/05 – DHH wrote an anti-engine post on the official RoR blog. Basically writing against how we use Rails today (bringing in Omniauth, etc) — thought you should build application-specific solutions because it would be so easy. “the goal of rails is to create a world where they… Continue reading Building a Rails Engine – gogaruco12