MonoRail: Monolithic Rails Application – Jack Danger – GoGaRuCo ’12

MonoRail: @jackdanger from Square, Inc 1. rails applications go in a particular direction and you 2. problems primarily about ownership. imagine you have not a monorail, but a green fields applications, you got featured on techcrunch, everything’s great. fast forward 3 years in the future. you have a rails several $30,000 mysql box. over 1,000… Continue reading MonoRail: Monolithic Rails Application – Jack Danger – GoGaRuCo ’12

RubyMotion – Amit Kumar – GoGaRuCo ’12

rubyist consultant:tata consultancy services ltd github: toamitkumar twitter: toamit 1 man army. amit tried it out, liekd it, built 3 apps, 1 will be on app store soon then 2 man army! what exactly is rubymotion? a commercial fork of macruby, a ruby implementation of mac osx. it compiles into optimized machine code. assembly… Continue reading RubyMotion – Amit Kumar – GoGaRuCo ’12

Grasping Complexity – Glenn Vanderburg – GoGaRuCo ’12

livingSocial @glv As programmers, we love simplicity. harder to write/design, but pays off in the end. Our world is binary. because of the things we do. answers are true or false, right or wrong, the solution works or is broken. these are concepts we work with in code. that’s a good thing. but it carries… Continue reading Grasping Complexity – Glenn Vanderburg – GoGaRuCo ’12

The Ruby Creation Myth – Sarah Mei minitalk at GoGaRuCo ’12

Sarah Mei’s minitalk at GoGaRuCo on Saturday, 9/15 still unedited! If you read Ruby’s wikipedia page, you can see a bit about the history of Ruby. 1.5 years ago, went to the red dot ruby conf in singapore. Doing the tutorial . The organizer of the confernce had arranged to do a walking tour of… Continue reading The Ruby Creation Myth – Sarah Mei minitalk at GoGaRuCo ’12

celluloid/concurrency – Tony Arcieri minitalk – GoGaRuCo ’12

synchronous calls, just like you’re used to in ruby asynchronous calls: schedule work to be executed. not sure when. gets excecuted when instead of bang, use .async, will get bang methods back in celluloid1.0 current thread returns immediately. same countdown will happen. asynch calls just straight-through. never waiting for results. simple way to schedule work.… Continue reading celluloid/concurrency – Tony Arcieri minitalk – GoGaRuCo ’12

Cruft & Technical Debt – Yehuda Katz – GoGaRuCo ’12

@wycats, yesterday, sandi metz’s talk was about how to avoid that cruft. this talk is what to do to fix it! the gap bewteen the assumptions you made when you first made the code and years later consumes more and more development time. sounds like classic technical debt, but it’s not — you accure… Continue reading Cruft & Technical Debt – Yehuda Katz – GoGaRuCo ’12

Schemas for the Real World – Carina Zona – GoGaRuCo ’12

developer and sex educator, think a lot about how these things overlap (xkcd about ‘sex’ not being found on fitocracy lol) imagine everyone thinking that who you are and who you love is wrong. then imagine that everyone on the web doesn’t let you say who you are. excluded. canonical set of relationship statuses? 3… Continue reading Schemas for the Real World – Carina Zona – GoGaRuCo ’12

Services, scale, backgrounding – David Copeland – GoGaRuCo ’12

David Copeland, Based on his personal experience at LivingSocial, building Payments app. Story of rasonable programmers making reasonable decisions leading to WTF Resque – creating a job that will be serviced by the NewPersonEvent class, given id when run, jam into redis (which is superfast key value store). So this will be fast, way… Continue reading Services, scale, backgrounding – David Copeland – GoGaRuCo ’12

webkit/chromium performance @gogaruco12! Cargo Cult Web Performance Optimization – Ilya Grigorik

Tweets by igrigorik Ilya Grigorik rough notes Cargo Cult Web Performance Optimization 3 major components netowrk server browser execution server – rails app server network – shows different & moving components in the network stack. look at some things chrome does for htis browser execution network stack: an average page has grown to 1059kB (over… Continue reading webkit/chromium performance @gogaruco12! Cargo Cult Web Performance Optimization – Ilya Grigorik