The list of blog posts I owe myself includes and is not limited to: guy kawasaki lean startup conf (& the notes i took that are on Blazing Cloud’s blog now) organizing a railsbridge buying an erhu and a cajòn skydiving over xmas break epic music party at our house on nye ouya – blazing… Continue reading the world is small and awesome
Author: judytuna
12/1/12 Spot sang
Last week, Spot the Octopus opened for DeCadence on one of their semester concert days. It was fun! We sang four songs — Istanbul (as made popular by tmbg), Monster (an original by Angela), House by the Sea (iron & wine), and La Grippe (squirrel nut zippers). Here is a playlist: =)
Kevin on “skittish utilitarianism”
maiki, Maira, Parker, and other ironblogger-sf people: I think you’d like this article on reasoning by Kevin, who I went to college with: Eager vs. Skittish Utilitarianism | melting asphalt. I’d love to hear your thoughts, because you are also people that think about life and philosophy and perform this kind of introspection. =D
I am full of rage.
Autocross 10/13/12
I’ve heard Jeremie talk about autocross a lot, but never got a chance to go until Saturday. I had a BLAST. Photos at I had the privilege of riding in Jeremie’s Z for my first lap ever, which resulted in a video I’m slightly embarrassed about. I didn’t sleep the night before and was… Continue reading Autocross 10/13/12
xbox 360 controllers + wireless dongle + mac
Peterson and I are here at the dinner table with my Microsoft wireless controller dongle and two wireless xbox360 controllers. led us to … and the source is available! It is made up of … a lot of xcode projects. I’d used the driver before, on the day I saw that Microsoft… Continue reading xbox 360 controllers + wireless dongle + mac
Hacking Health
I’m at the UC Berkeley Hacking Health hackathon! Friday-Saturday. Pitches are at 6pm tonight. Fritz and I are making an iOS app to help parents log seizures. I would also like it to log all kinds of events: medication (and it’ll alert you when it’s time to take your next one), eating, pooping, sleeping, developmental… Continue reading Hacking Health
MonoRail: Monolithic Rails Application – Jack Danger – GoGaRuCo ’12
MonoRail: @jackdanger from Square, Inc 1. rails applications go in a particular direction and you 2. problems primarily about ownership. imagine you have not a monorail, but a green fields applications, you got featured on techcrunch, everything’s great. fast forward 3 years in the future. you have a rails several $30,000 mysql box. over 1,000… Continue reading MonoRail: Monolithic Rails Application – Jack Danger – GoGaRuCo ’12
RubyMotion – Amit Kumar – GoGaRuCo ’12
rubyist consultant:tata consultancy services ltd github: toamitkumar twitter: toamit 1 man army. amit tried it out, liekd it, built 3 apps, 1 will be on app store soon then 2 man army! what exactly is rubymotion? a commercial fork of macruby, a ruby implementation of mac osx. it compiles into optimized machine code. assembly… Continue reading RubyMotion – Amit Kumar – GoGaRuCo ’12
Grasping Complexity – Glenn Vanderburg – GoGaRuCo ’12
livingSocial @glv As programmers, we love simplicity. harder to write/design, but pays off in the end. Our world is binary. because of the things we do. answers are true or false, right or wrong, the solution works or is broken. these are concepts we work with in code. that’s a good thing. but it carries… Continue reading Grasping Complexity – Glenn Vanderburg – GoGaRuCo ’12