So, like, the pre-patch for Wrath of the Lich King is out. They put in the new talents, new achievement system, and you can convert your mounts and noncombat pets to spells now. Huge news for me. This afternoon right as servers were coming up, Tyler started converting his mounts, and right when he clicked… Continue reading patch 3.0.2; the wow minis game
Author: judytuna
I went to a Sigur Ros concert last Friday at the Greek Theatre. I saw Gogol Bordello at Slim’s in San Francisco last Sunday. I went to Blizzcon this weekend.
so you say you think you are lonely or for you the sun don’t shine then let me take you by the hand and take you through the streets of london i’ll show you something that’ll make you change your mind. san francisco is fucking smelly. well, mission street is. how did i not know… Continue reading Untitled
i just got home from the eudemonia midnight release of shards of alara, which was a colossal mistake to go to. i even left my digital camera at home this morning for the express purpose of luring myself back home right at 6pm so i could upload the other half of my hawaii pictures. but… Continue reading sleep
lisa is awesome
LOOK AT THIS!!!! SHE DRAWRD IT FOR ME!!!!!!!!! YAYAYYAYAYAYYAYAYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i’m home!
just walked in the door to my apartment. found that i had left my computer on this whole time =( and gmail was open so it looked like i was online all week. hahaah i’m very tired
Voice Post
one last thing before i go upstairs & to bed
big caucasian guy just looked in, saw me at the computer, opened the door and said “konichiwa.” i said “hello” and he raised his eyebrows, looked back at his friend, and said “hello?” pointing at me, obviously surprised that i spoke english. i said “i’m from america” by way of explanation and i can’t imagine… Continue reading one last thing before i go upstairs & to bed
day 2
OK, trying again a day later. this keyboard is marginally better. ok no, still sucks. shift keys are stuck = this morning, i woke up at 6:45am, but didn’t get out of bed. got out of bed at 9am and went downstairs to see what hostel breakfast is like, and found it to be bread… Continue reading day 2
hawaii – day 1
So I’m in Hawaii. My hostel has an internet cafe with 11 little computers set up for internet access. They use cyber cafe pro here, which is what eudemoia used to use. this keyboad really really bites and half the keys dont press down all the way. i’ve just decided to give up on not… Continue reading hawaii – day 1