I got it to work! I got both libfreenect and ofxKinect to compile and run. The community has figured out how to get access to the regular video camera, the IR camera for depth, the status LED, and the tilt on the Kinect. No mic access yet, but it’s only a matter of time, I… Continue reading kinect: day 2
Author: judytuna
we got a kinect today.
pictures here: https://judytuna.com/2010/11/kinect-for-the-first-time/ i’m super-excited.
kinect for the first time
Today, we got a family xbox. I wanted a Kinect so much because people are programming applications for it using OpenFrameworks. OF: http://www.openframeworks.cc/ Open source, community-made Kinect drivers for mac and linux: https://github.com/ofTheo/ofxKinect Examples: Bird puppet: http://vimeo.com/16985224 3d drawing in space: http://vimeo.com/16818988 PLAYING MARIO WITH YOUR SELF: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CTJL5lUjHg and so on. But the one we… Continue reading kinect for the first time
thanksgiving 2010
Today, I visited Dilworth, my old elementary school. I went there K-6. This used to be my favorite thing to do. It’s been a really long time. Here we have the map we used for States tag. Wheee! Lying on the grass at nearby Rainbow Park, earlier in the day.
I once said in guild chat that someone was a font of knowledge. There was some discussion of whether “font” was acceptable, or if it was “fount.” I thought that “font” was an acceptable spelling of “something that something else comes from”, like a baptismal font or something…. but it’s not Language Log in Dinosaur… Continue reading fount
Elvin and Jeremie lit fires under my ass to make it happen. Without them, and without Dean’s support, none of this would have happened. I organized a party to watch the finals of the GSL, the biggest Starcraft II open tournament right now. It’s in korea, so in order to watch it live, we had… Continue reading GSL party a GREAT SUCCESS
yay giants
holy shit! i hear horns, people screaming, firecrackers… it’s really crazy out there, and i’m sick in my room with stuffy sinuses and the windows closed. this is totally nuts. edit 8:22pm… it’s fucking insane!!! there’s a mob outside of the corner store across the street and they’re just in the middle of the street,… Continue reading yay giants
zelda on 3ds
http://www.youtube.com/user/LOGICTOILET#p/u/5/0W68CPInmYc and i jizzed in my pants. saw nintendogs+cats on their channel too. since the touch screen is the bottom one, and the 3d is the top one, they had to make a paper doll for your cat on the bottom screen for you to touch with the stylus, and you watch a representation of… Continue reading zelda on 3ds
i made this
Also, mama plott is awesome http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=80119 I wish I’d taken a picture with Tasteless and Day9 at Blizzcon, but I didn’t want to wait in the really big line, and Day looked really, really tired, and his foot hurt…. I watched Elvin take a picture instead. =) Elvin was very happy.
thank you, the killers. the thillers.
Peterson: i’ve got pants but i’m not a panzer (pantser? it is unclear. i prefer panzer) Judy: i’ve got c but i’m not a cur (facepalm) Elanors: i’ve got plagues but i’m not a plagierer. me: i’ve got plage, but i’m not a beacher El: i misread that as bleacher. me: i’ve got plague, but… Continue reading thank you, the killers. the thillers.