the things you learn from promotional newsletters: happy 01:02:03 04/05/06!

“Yelp Fun Fact: Tomorrow, as in Wednesday, at two minutes and three seconds after one in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. This won’t happen again for a thousand years, so love someone fierce, and if you can’t be with the one you love, then make like CSN and love the one with you’re with.”

doodoot dootdoot dootdoot doo doot! doodoot dootdoot dootdoot doo doot!


  1. Technically…. it’ll happen again in Europe in a little less than a month 🙂

    There are a bunch of people practicing at trying to get a post with that time stamp.

    Just wait till that ultimate of evil times in 2 months: 6/6/6 6:6:6

  2. Yeah, but…

    On August 9th 2010, depending on how precise your timepiece is, it’ll be: 12:34:56.7 8/9/10

    I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to that one.

      1. Re: Yeah, but…

        So, the limiting factor is the hours and months?

        In that case, the best we can do is

        12:34:567891011 12/13/14

        So… after 2014 we’ll have to change calendars or something?

        Anyway, we’ll never have it as good as we did shortly after
        1/2/3 4:5:6789101112——-

        At 4:6:00 that heady time was over.

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