i want to make an app that uses ocr to grab the price of gas and how many gallons i got on a given date from a photo of a fuel receipt at a gas station.
setting up a new Discourse instance for zine.cloud
I started a new project, a zine exchange club called Zine Cloud! Here’s what I did to get started with Discourse. 0. made a new email address1. bought the domain zine.cloud on spaceship.com2. set up mail forwarding3. spun up a one-click install of Discourse as a DigitalOcean droplet– details of the droplet: 4 GB Memory… Continue reading setting up a new Discourse instance for zine.cloud
sasha’s lyrics project, “sweater”
update: got it working https://bit.ly/sweater-by-tastycode I recently learned that Sasha died last week. I don’t have words. I’m really sad. I scrolled through her facebook all the way back to 2020 to find a link to sweater, a ruby app she made that replaces words in lyrics with other, rhyming, words. The Heroku project she… Continue reading sasha’s lyrics project, “sweater”
sometimes when your reMarkable tablet is off for a few years, the clock gets out of sync and it can’t connect to https to get software updates. then you have to ssh into the reMarkable and reset the clock: https://remarkable.jms1.info/info/clock.html
chaotic good
it seems i only use this blog to post results of retaking tests from many years ago! from sept 2010 to now, i’ve progressed from neutral to chaotic and from druid to paladin. and have leveled up a little. lol I Am A: Chaotic Good Human Paladin/Wizard (3rd/2nd Level) Ability Scores: Strength-9 Dexterity-12 Constitution-8 Intelligence-16… Continue reading chaotic good
ENFP literally eleven years later
Humanmetrics Jung Typology Testâ„¢ Your Type: ENFP Extravert(56%) iNtuitive(50%) Feeling(69%) Perceiving(62%) You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (56%) You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%) You have distinct preference of Feeling over Thinking (69%) You have distinct preference of Perceiving over Judging (62%) Results First recorded on livejournal: https://judytuna.com/2005/11/07/609/ Pondered again,… Continue reading ENFP literally eleven years later
links for hillary
http://bluenationreview.com/i-looked-at-hundreds-of-hillary-photos-and-found-the-most-amazing-thing-in-common/ http://qz.com/624346/america-loves-women-like-hillary-clinton-as-long-as-theyre-not-asking-for-a-promotion/ https://medium.com/@laurenbesser/had-bernie-been-bernadette-the-heartbreaking-truth-about-american-patriarchy-ea29caf04331#.bh5v80g11 and again on Hpost, and again, why am i reading any comments? this is self-harm. and another on metafilter and everything is horrible
Bartle Test
maiki posted about the Bartle Test, which shows what your preferences are in MMOs. I came out SEAK. 1. Socializer 73% 2. Explorer 67% 3. Achiever 40% 4. Killer 20% I am not that surprised by this. I have some quibbles, because I don’t consider many of the questions to be actual choices. For example,… Continue reading Bartle Test
too close to home
http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/12/the-silicon-valley-suicides/413140/ This is heartbreaking. I am heartbroken. I could do what I did the last time an article about how to epically fail at raising successful children broke me, which is list every meta-article I could find. Interview with the author: http://recode.net/2015/11/22/silicon-valley-and-teenage-suicide-talking-with-the-atlantics-hanna-rosin-qa/
happy new year!
A few weeks ago, we went to Trick Dog and saw their new menu: a fantastic rendition of a Chinese restaurant. Since today is Chinese New Year, and we were feeling chill (I’ll see my parents this weekend), we hopped along to check out the scene at Trick Dog. As we were crossing the street,… Continue reading happy new year!