Five days ago, I restarted the hartl Rails tutorial book so that I could do it in Rails 3.0.9. These are my notes: I took them so that when I try to make my next project, I can find information more quickly! They grew much bigger than I meant. Doesn’t wordpress have a “read more… Continue reading Getting started with Rails – what I’ve done so far
Author: judytuna
help me understand salt
“salt” makes a rainbow attack computationally unfeasible (reference). You take a plaintext password, give it some salt (usually a timestamp, so no one else will have the same salt as you), then take the password and the salt together and put them through your encryption method, and then put the encrypted pw in your database.… Continue reading help me understand salt
Yesterday, Fritz, Peanut and l went to the Redwood Bowmen Archery Range! It’s behind Chabot Science & Space center (which I’ve never gone to) in Oakland. It was a beautiful, beautiful day. We shot loaner recurve bows, while the more experienced archers (such as Fritz’s family friend, Neil) shot their compound bows. Peanut and I… Continue reading Archery!
Questions: macports vs homebrew, mac & bash, Rails versions
I have . Are people using Homebrew now instead? got rid of macports in favor of homebrew As for me, I haven’t installed homebrew. I’m gonna hang on to my existing macports installation. The comment at says sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local so i did that so now I don’t have… Continue reading Questions: macports vs homebrew, mac & bash, Rails versions
On not multitasking
Last Tuesday, at the Starmonkeys Ruby class, another student said that she’d audited a Software as a Service course at Berkeley. So I looked it up and found the RAD lab and got a class syllabus for cs169 from fall 2010 and started reading it. There’s a big prominent link at the top of that… Continue reading On not multitasking
password oops
I have ubuntu installed through vmware fusion on my mac. I tried to fire it up the other day but found that I’d forgotten my user password. Googling it got me This worked, mostly. The only weird part was at the recovery menu (with the blue screen in the background) — when I hit… Continue reading password oops
noisebridge, day 1
I came to Noisebridge for the Tuesday night Ruby class and stayed for the MakerBots. I printed a tiny open-source violin, and then a hairclip with stars that was popular on thingiverse. It was sort of hard to get it to work — the machine with the red material has some trouble maintaining a constant… Continue reading noisebridge, day 1
bicycle generators and almaty friends
Today I was looking at my google+ stream, and I saw a post that my friend Morgan was, well, Hanging Out. I hadn’t used the Hangouts feature of google+ before and I’d kept hearing about how awesome it was, so I clicked the friendly “join” button. I found myself staring at the faces of Morgan… Continue reading bicycle generators and almaty friends
Want to see xrays of my left foot and ankle?
I went to the Chinatown NEMS location today for my appointment to enroll in Healthy San Francisco. While I was there, I stopped by the medical records desk & the radiology clinic (conveniently (for me) located on the same floor!) to get a copy of my xrays from my appointment with them two months ago.… Continue reading Want to see xrays of my left foot and ankle?
Starcraft 2 tourneys that I’ll play in!
I am going to participate in a couple of online starcraft cups! 1) r/starcraft‘s open clan, r/almostrelevant, is hosting an internal league. I signed up for the gold division. Group play leading to brackets. They JUST put up the first matches! We’re responsible for finding our partner, scheduling/playing games, then uploading replays/results and awaiting our… Continue reading Starcraft 2 tourneys that I’ll play in!