so many sirens today. at least i’m whole.
Author: judytuna
i had a national geographic magazine poster of the grand canyon/tetons/ and perhaps other mountain range/stone/river-cut things on the wall in front of my desk from 1st to … i dunno, 8th grade or so?
BEN FOLDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i went to ben folds live on friday. at sf warfield. it was superb. this entry is just to remind myself that i have to write more about it, but later, since i have math at 2. ben folds is my hero.
happy birthday annie
yesterday morning, ryan drove me home. actually he drove me to my doctor’s office, where i had a slightly overdue yearly checkup. dr wong gave me a flu shot. “ing wei ni tzou tzai shu seh li” hehe. and then i went and got blood taken out of me. yes it was very exciting. the… Continue reading happy birthday annie
color quiz thanks to francesca
Your Existing Situation Easily affected by her environment and readily moved by the emotions of others. Seeks congenial relationships and an occupation which will promote them. Your Stress Sources Wants freedom to follow her own convictions and principles, to achieve respect as an individual in her own right. Desires to avail herself of every possible… Continue reading color quiz thanks to francesca
i repeat myself in this livejournal a lot. i repeat myself in this livejournal a lot. ha, i’m funny. i have this pile of clothes next to me and joan just pointed at them, perplexed, and said “i thought you just did your laundry yesterday!” and i was ilke “i did, but those are jackets… Continue reading Untitled
ironing jeans == exercise in futility they are still wrinkled well it wasn’t completely futile–they are less wrinkled than they were before before they were just unbearable i don’t usually iron my clothes i don’t know how to iron i’m scared of irons
my birthday was last week. last tuesday. oct 22. i turned 20 at 3:10… or 5:10?… pm, rhode island time. well, the saturday before, my family came up and we abducted ryan and we ate at the great china. i do believe i STILL have one box of leftovers from that. my parents dropped off… Continue reading birthday