yesterday morning, ryan drove me home. actually he drove me to my doctor’s office, where i had a slightly overdue yearly checkup. dr wong gave me a flu shot. “ing wei ni tzou tzai shu seh li” hehe. and then i went and got blood taken out of me. yes it was very exciting. the flu shot needle was absolutely tiny, but my shoulder kinda hurts now. the blood test needle was quite large. it doesn’t hurt now, but my elbow feels kinda week and there’s “bruising” around it… fascinating isn’t it.
but more importantly, saturday was annie’s birthday! happy 12th my dearest sister.
we tried to watch “santa clause 2” but failed miserably because ray didn’t know how to get to century theaters. so, so sad. haha. i can’t believe none of us knew how to get there… hee.
good chocolate cake. yummy marie callendar’s. ’twas fun.
rushed back to cal by 7pm to perform w/ all real in the final theater rice showcase. it went well. derek said people were telling him it was all real’s best performance ever. that’s exciting.
theater rice was pretty good.
today’s gospel reading was the one about the 10 virgins with lamps waiting for the bridegroom, where 5 were wise and brought extra oil but 5 were foolish and didn’t and were later denied entry to the banquet… yeah. father peter talked about wisdom = oil and wisdom = the gift to be able to see deeply into things, as God sees them. and wisdom = OLD. hehee.
ryan says “are you updating your livejournal?” we are making veggie corn dogs and kettle corn. we moved the microwave into his room so as not to drive angela crazy. ah insomnia. =)