yes i’m still on xf-news

the wonderful things you learn from the xf-news mailing list: there’s a busta rhymes song called “i know what you want” featuring flipmode squad and mariah carey that has a line that goes “we’re like scully and mulder/ walking shoulder to shoulder” scully and mulder make me happy

gettysburg. bullets in the ground. virgin land. (prof hollinger)

ryan’s chinese history book says that the communists would have said that my grandparents were in the group that they (the communists) termed the “intransigent reactionaries” (meaning “uncompromising ultraconservatives” … m-w says intransigent means “refusing to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude”). was this supposed to be derogatory or something? haha my… Continue reading gettysburg. bullets in the ground. virgin land. (prof hollinger)

you will be sorry one day yes you will yes you will

MBarrien1 (12:45:26 AM): Holy crap… you got 3 more people to add you on buddyzoo… MBarrien1 (12:45:46 AM): Yeah, I’m paying attention to this more than you are 🙂 juddietuna (12:45:46 AM): hahahaha MBarrien1 (12:45:56 AM): You’re #54 now. juddietuna (12:46:09 AM): WOW juddietuna (12:46:17 AM): the last time i checked, i was #70 or… Continue reading you will be sorry one day yes you will yes you will

i still got beat up after class

The Dante’s Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level Score Purgatory (Repenting Believers) High Level 1 – Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) High Level 2 (Lustful) Low Level 3 (Gluttonous) Low Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Low Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Low Level 6 – The… Continue reading i still got beat up after class


lemmingsolutions (1:27:57 PM): hey judy! lemmingsolutions (1:28:06 PM): i have a quiz to add to your many quizzes: lemmingsolutions (1:28:09 PM): juddietuna (1:28:17 PM): yay! Which Animaniacs Character are You?“You are inquisitive to the point of getting trampled, run over, and blinded, on a daily basis. ““Why…..?”“It could be due to your scientific nature.… Continue reading Untitled

guster – ramona

ramona. where have you been?? i couldn’t go to sleep till you came in. ramona, you’re miss oklahoma, and you miss oklahoma. [HAHA] i’ll get you what you want. cuz there were days when i refrain from brightening our corner [???] of hickory lane when you would sing that song for me just like your… Continue reading guster – ramona


if you want to know how to fly high then go now to the place where all the concubines– meet and converse with them marvel at their pale skin wonder how they chew on their pointy– teeth and hair are beauty they know it’s their duty to be countess in their hearts and their– minds… Continue reading Untitled


My goddamn rock solid ghetto shiznit name is Puppy Teapot, Yo.What’s yours?Powered by Rum and Monkey. thank you elisa. and … thank you calvin.


i feel like i’ve been really busy. pcn on saturday was really great. congrats, steph, and everyone involved. (that’s my roommate!!) i skiied with jenny and steve on sunday at kirkwood. i mean snowboarded. i borrowed melinda’s boots and board and since i now have a season pass it was free! it snowed last week… Continue reading Untitled