rwclark made an rss feed for decadence news. i made a livejournal syndicated account for it. ucbdecadence =) add it to your friends page!
Author: judytuna
From (which I got to from, which I got to from that article that rwclark posted in newsdog) … Dave (the interviewer): I’ve been looking for my daemon. Pullman: Well, it’s no good, you looking for it. You find out what your daemon is by asking other people what they think it is.… Continue reading daemon.
how ’bout the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away with MIND BULLETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give A Fuck. You could be the one sprinkling pepper on that meatball sandwich, haggling and possibly lying to your boss about the hours you worked last week. You could be the one fumbling among your keys and dependent upon your dog. You could be the one playing a banjo on the side of the… Continue reading Untitled
happy vaio = happy judy
i just cleaned up my machine’s startup programs with the help of, a truly wonderful site. my computer has always started up pretty quickly, but now i don’t have to sit around and wait for five years for useless programs to load after it starts up (like the fifty million programs that enable the… Continue reading happy vaio = happy judy
you know what you should do? you should go to decadence’s semester concert. on tuesday, december 2 (that’s tomorrow), 7pm, 125 morrison, free. you know what else you should do? go to u chorus’ noon christmas concert. on wednesday, december 3 (that’s two days from today), 12noon, at the auditorium in the ihouse. i got… Continue reading Untitled
sfzoo II
TODAY, I SAW FISHING CAT KITTENS AT THE ZOO! there was one pair of “kittens” in a cage next to the gorgeous sleek ocelots. this pair was born in june. they were pretty big–we didn’t really have a basis for comparison, though, because we couldn’t see the adult one in her exhibit. there was a… Continue reading sfzoo II
heare me sing [thy lullaby]
one of my favorite books was the fledgling, by jane langton. oh my god, i loved this book. oh my god. i’m posting about it because it was set on walden pond and talked about thoreau. who we’re reading bits of in emily dickinson. the main character’s father had students over on sunny days, who… Continue reading heare me sing [thy lullaby]
showcase, showcase, saturday night, genesis, mrs rae, annie, seafarers.
on friday, decadence stripped at the octet and overtones west coast a cappella fall showcase. down to boxers and a tank top. was fun. are thinking of way to top that for our own show, which will be… when? WHEN?!?!?! and WHERE?!??!?!!??!?!?!? AUUUGHHH THE STRESS! on saturday, after singing with magnetic north (i’m searching for… Continue reading showcase, showcase, saturday night, genesis, mrs rae, annie, seafarers.