
The internet is horrible WONDERFUL.

http://www.audioscrobbler.com – download a plugin for itunes, winamp etc that collects data about what music you play. upload it. compare with other users. for example i searched for guster and found that people who listen to guster listen to ben folds, dispatch, howie day, dmb, bnl, the postal service, coldplay, ben kweller… having never heard of dispatch before it seems that i would really like them. i have yet to follow this lead. have any of you heard of dispatch before? it would be easy to google now, but then i would never finish this post or help ryan with any macaroon making
http://www.flikr.com – pictures GALORE… surfing this site is going to suck so many hours from my life… i think i will suddenly start using my camera phone…
http://www.notmartha.org/tomake/marblemagnets.html – from jenny… oh my god, i have to make these. I HAVE TO. tap plastics, here i come
http://huangfamily.com/craftlog/archives/001619.html – a picture of a mini gingerbread house village
http://www.cookingforengineers.com/article.php?id=106 – recipe for making marshmallows. has discussion on vegetarian/vegan marshmallows in comments
http://www.ibuydiy.com – links to dozens of websites/stores/people who make things
http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/ – this is for lemmingsolution and anyone else who loves squirrels. check out the game called “the way home” in the top left
http://www.livejournal.com/community/ucberkeley/916538.html … my god… i cannot tell you how engrossing this thread is. i absolutely cannot tell you. the post says: post a confession, and post it anonymously. and suddenly the community explodes in heartfelt anguish and warmth and sexiness and comfort and pain and it’s absolutely stunning. i cannot believe it. i read these threads and i think, “that’s exactly how i feel, i can’t believe i’m not alone” and read a billion posts replying “that’s exactly how i feel, you’re not alone” … amazing.

I could go on. bearhoa has joined the lightbringers, at least part-time 😉


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