
judytuna’s Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 6
Average number of words per sentence: 12.64
Average number of syllables per word: 1.40
Total words in sample: 3237
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Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

bla bla bla. today as i sat in 45a lecture, i heard the following conversation behind me.
left: amanda has the most sexual frustration out of anyone i know, and she doesn’t even know she’s that sexually frustrated.
right: i wish i’d told her not to go to the crap art school in san francisco, but i didn’t and now she’s here.
left: at least she got out of sd. maybe now she can get laid.

what, is it so hard to get laid in sd or something? very strange. also strange was the cryptic precursor to that exchange about “ill shit” and “tricks.”

my jr seminar professor is nice. i want to sit at his feet and let him fill my brain with little points about the text.


  1. grade level

    That grade level indicator thing is neat! I tried it on my page and I’ll post the result someday (I feel an update coming on, perhaps in the next few days).

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