
happy 2nd birthday to my livejournal! wanna see my first entry on may 26 2001? s2 is *really* easy to use.


LiveJournal Connect!Enter your username in the left box, someone else’s username (or a * for a random one) in the right box, and press the button! -> Quiet Mutual 2 chains No 1-hopCoded by sachmet =) yay six-degrees-of-connection-things!!!! “you really admire steve jobs, don’t you.” “no. i just accept him as god.”


i got an A on my paper. an A! an A!!! an A!!!! to think what wonderful creations i could make if i spent more time on them. apparently everybody wrote one of their imitation/parody poems on gertrude stein, so they compiled them all and made copies of it and called it “lifting stien: an… Continue reading i


juddietuna (6:14:36 PM): and then i got sidetracke Jennnykins (6:14:47 PM): hahaha too sidetracked to type the d wanna see what i got sidetracked by? emacs, the sacred editor: http://www.dina.kvl.dk/~abraham/religion/ hahahahahaa


i did an essay yesterday. i ended up with 12 full pages. i did the last 10 pages in about 8 hours. it was also–you guessed it!–two weeks late. “hi judy i got your paper and just read it. it’s very good!” WTF? maybe she’s just saying that and maybe i’m being arrogant in becoming… Continue reading Untitled


i don’t drink enough water. i don’t get enough sleep. i don’t feed myself regularly. a schedule for myself i don’t keep. oh shut up judy and stop trying to rhyme your complaints. today i wrote some. then elanor jenny chloe lily and i ate at party sushi for like more than an hour, and… Continue reading Untitled

the weekend.

1) why did my color scheme become bluish during the day today? i thought “OH MY GOD SOMEONE HACKED MY LIVEJOURNAL!” but checked my settings and yes indeedy i was still labelled as watermelon-colored. a few other journals became bluey too, while most stayed the same. must have been a bug? 2) wah. on saturday,… Continue reading the weekend.


deadlines don’t mean anything to me. no, they really don’t. is that so bad?


yesterday my dad came up after work and dropped off a care package from my mom which consisted of cereal and granola bars and soy milk in little containers. we ate dinner at ichiban and he told me funny stories.