In my current internet-induced self-aggrandizing fervor, I made this: I think this website is pretty awesome.
Author: judytuna
Found a new favorite way home: through the school of religion (interdenominational!). I’d never been on the other side of Arch before and it’s quite lovely. Last week I read Where Soldiers Fear to Tread, which was pretty horrifying. It’s about the politics of humanitarian aid and tells the story of the author’s period of… Continue reading Untitled
Look at the dresses. Sleeves and corsets, look at those waists, look at the billowing shoulders, look at the flowing skirts. How on earth is that practical? How long did it take to dress just to step outside? Dressing like that makes everything an occasion, even taking a turn about the block. What if you… Continue reading Untitled
i feel terrible.
arch house
i’m moving over a period of a few weeks. right now i’m sitting in a temporary room at ramon’s house–i will move downstairs after christmas. but look my computer works. that means my world is complete.
Look at this article on Kotaku about what hate-speak on the internet! The advice is to ignore it. It’s a tactic used to gain a competitive advantage. Or if you must speak up, which’ll only work in a one-on-one situation, say something like “what if I told you I were black?” That’s what the… Continue reading Untitled
Dude. It’s not just WAR: my computer plays even MP3s in skips and jumps. There must be something wrong with… the operating system, or the memory, or SOMEthing. I have two hard drives, and they’re both partitioned into two partitions each. One hard drive has a 10gig partition with my operating system. Maybe that’s not… Continue reading Untitled
engrish advertising copy “Reveal your sylphlike figure and feminine charm by this fascinating Chinese Qipao, you are impressive to all. Elegant look at the front view and lust feeling at the back view, this enchanting cheongsam is a perfect combination of eastern beauty and western fashion. There are Chinese hand-make floral buttons adorned at both sides, from… Continue reading engrish advertising copy
left 4 dead
I’m hanging out at the store with the cat. She’s been acting weird today. She keeps hanging out with us. She crawled into my lap while I was healing Azjol’Nerub and did that thing where she putzes around in a nervous circle on your legs, and was ultimately dissatisfied, so she hopped off and kept… Continue reading left 4 dead
My sister turns 18 today. She is so beautiful. I want the best of everything in the whole entire world for her.