I took a lot of close-up pictures of my mom’s garden last weekend.
Author: judytuna
Protected: tuna out of water
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misused words
I have a lot of words that I use mostly-correctly, but when pressed to define them, I find myself unable to. Now whenever I use one, I am struck with self-doubt, so I always look it up (“define: profligacy” in the search window cuz google is awesome!) in another tab as I’m writing. Thank you,… Continue reading misused words
This morning I got out of bed at 7am because my throat felt like it was a rigid ring that was trying really hard to hold itself open. It didn’t feel like it was closing, and I’m not wheezing (except when there’s mucus coating my vocal cords–then I wheeze and cough), so it’s weird for… Continue reading throat
Posting to Facebook and Flickr isn’t enough. I’ve got to post them here too.
Most amazing parody of “Snow (Hey Oh)” by the red hot chili peppers I am ever likely to come across: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFmtr5SnsWE Complete with kazoo in 3-part harmony. Testing: .mcrmeebo { display: block; background:url(“http://widget.meebo.com/r.gif”) no-repeat top right; } .mcrmeebo:hover { background:url(“http://widget.meebo.com/ro.gif”) no-repeat top right; } Went to KT’s dad’s wedding on Saturday. It was fun. I… Continue reading Untitled
http://www.gabrielkahane.com/ I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry I masturbated on your Ikea catalog. What choice have I but to throw all the blustery praise I can muster at once upon this new find? Gorgeous piano with what appear to be Craigslist ads, verbatim, hilariously sung in almost faux-operatic. It’s amazing. With all the truest emotion… Continue reading Untitled
Holy Progenitor Of Zeus. This animal can climb trees and break open a coconut. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coconut_crab I like how he has to rub his legs over his breathing apparatus to keep it moist. That’s just gross. Look at these videos. http://www.arkive.org/coconut-crab/birgus-latro/videos.html I feel my doom stumbling in my general direction, slowly, inexorably, herald of horror all… Continue reading Untitled
I was home sick yesterday and today. What comes out of my nose when I bend over and blow salt water through it is dark and bloody. There is a rattle deep in my chest. Coughing makes me cry, which makes everything in my nose get inflamed, which makes everything worse. Last week, I read… Continue reading Untitled
Linked from Muselive, which I’ve started reading again now that there’s a new album in the works: Speaking to BBC 6 Music, Bellamy revealed the record’s sound could see the band abandoning their traditional rock leanings completely. “A symphonic album has turned up here, like a full collaboration with an orchestra,” he said. “There’s definitely… Continue reading piano