Author: judytuna
genki sudo
1. Mind Shift I especially like the children playing along. 2. Who is this Genki Sudo, anyway? A retired MMA fighter, of course. 3. Someone other than me thinks the dance is saying something too, and even “reaches” more than I did: (via maiki
This Saturday, there is a meetup for the BIG people in the community (people are flying in from all over the US AND the WORLD!!! JUST for this!!!!)!!! AND Paul Frommer, the creator of the language, is going to be there. They’re gonna work on the language hardcore-style from 9:30am. I’m going to the… Continue reading Untitled
old posts
I was sort of looking for an old post where I put two pictures of Iowa right next to each other (one that I took in Coralville at a Carl’s Jr (except it was called somethign else) when I was there, and then another that was taken from a helicopter by a newspaper that showed… Continue reading old posts
I Am A: Neutral Good Human Druid/Wizard (1st/1st Level) Ability Scores: Strength-9 Dexterity-12 Constitution-11 Intelligence-14 Wisdom-9 Charisma-14 Alignment:Neutral Good A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the… Continue reading Untitled
magnetic north+taiyo na – home:word’s first video
This is really good! And so so cute: go derek! go theresa! go taiyo na even though i don’t know you personally! haha. “now you might think nintento don’t depend on the weather, but my thumbs in the summer move quicker than in the winter” HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAH oh derek.
I set up a new Spot blog: Just added Kristina’s Splot the Octopus as the favicon lol Take special notice of the VIDEO ARCHIVES section! All of our performances in one menu! Also, I have set up an LJ-syndication feed: Add feedtheoctopus to your LJ friends now!! Hooray!! Also, Spot members, do you… Continue reading Untitled
internet meme depravity
first, you have to know what mormon bubble porn is (no actual nudity, but eh, not really sfw still i guess, it’s really creepy. don’t put images of yourselves at the beach on the internet guys) then you can appreciate this mormon bubble porn of jp and day9 =D <–totally safe for work, no… Continue reading internet meme depravity
alexander hamilton
maiki linked this video, a rap about alexander hamilton: I can’t help but feel we got kind of one-upped here. (link goes to money money money lol) It’s weird how similar it is to wubbakraken‘s, but I guess calling out the name is an established trope in joke hip-hop.
Untitled fledgling project lol we did 1 recording tonight. hopefully we’ll do one every week. if we do, i’ll tell you when to tune in for a LIVE PERFORMANCE HAHAHAH. edited to add: the fledgling project morphed into a wordpress site. complete with video archives!!!!! check it out and tell me waht you think… Continue reading Untitled