alexander hamilton

maiki linked this video, a rap about alexander hamilton: I can’t help but feel we got kind of one-upped here. (link goes to money money money lol) It’s weird how similar it is to wubbakraken‘s, but I guess calling out the name is an established trope in joke hip-hop.

Untitled fledgling project lol we did 1 recording tonight. hopefully we’ll do one every week. if we do, i’ll tell you when to tune in for a LIVE PERFORMANCE HAHAHAH. edited to add: the fledgling project morphed into a wordpress site. complete with video archives!!!!! check it out and tell me waht you think… Continue reading Untitled

interview with david j peterson, who’s creating the dothraki language ! =D GD: Do you have a favorite phrase in Dothraki that you can teach us? Here’s a phrase I came up with early on that I’m rather fond of: Oqet vichitera oma vafikhoon. “A sheep shivers without its wool.” The Dothraki have an adversarial relationship with the Lhazareen, whom they call disdainfully refer… Continue reading interview with david j peterson, who’s creating the dothraki language

email chains making the rounds

Someone once forwarded me this “advice” that is purportedly from Bill Gates. Do you think Bill Gates said these things? Is there any evidence of this “speech” he gave to high school students, or is this a made-up email-forward-thing?

Spot the Octopus at the farmer’s market

HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! special thanks to suzanne for being amenable to taking pictures after i unceremoniously thrust my camera into her hands =D set here: we are the MOST EXPRESSIVE A CAPPELLA GROUP EVER


So … like … I’m on page 254 of 477 of the ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book-2.3.8 right? And I’m trucking along creating a signup form for my little sample app, and I see this:  There are links sprinkled about the whole book (for example, to define things like “automagically“) so I clicked on it hoping it was some kind… Continue reading wafer-thin