
today i went to the bathroom on 2nd floor eschelman. there are things written on the grout between the tiles in the stall. things like

  • the grout wall of china
  • congraoutulations
  • this grout nation
  • grout it out
  • grouto marx (i just looked on google and there’s some comedian named groucho marx
  • grout expectations <~i might be making this one up…


today’s impulsive buys:

  1. yamaha speakers from the used computer store on shattuck. this store is kinda like a dump, but it has all kinds of random crap. these yamaha speakers are “new” but are at this place because they have a mail in rebate that expired in 2000. they suck, but are still better than my current speakers.
  2. michael chabon’s the amazing adventures of kevalier and clay.
  3. and i dropped off two things at the dry cleaner’s today. you know i’ve never done that before (dry cleaning).


    1. grout is the stuff between tiles. it’s white and keeps things together. it is the best way to tag, because you cannot get sharpie out of grout! grout tagging is infamous at berkeley.

      1. oh sorry, i didn’t see this. i didn’t know grout taagging is infamous! ah the things you learn from being on campus and finding yourself suddenly incontinent.

    2. grout is the white stuff (or it can be other colors too) between tiles. like, when you’re tiling something, you put down the tiles with spaces in between them, and then you mash this clay-cement-whatever stuff in between the tiles to keep them in place, and that stuff is grout. yeah. =)

  1. Grout America

    …will be the title of my first coffee-table book, in which I drive around America taking photographs of clever bathroom graffitti. I am pleased that you, too, have now discovered the magic of grout.

    You have never heard of the Marx Brothers? Seriously? Go watch their movies!


    1. Re: Grout America

      HI KRISHNA!!!!! how are you?!?!??!? my friend kristin (aka mercuryfading)wants to go to edinburgh for the summer and would like to know about scotland! can you help in this department?

      (and many many people are incredulous about my having never heard of the marx brothers)

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