i got a perm.
person giving me haircut: ah, now you look more like a young lady, not some little kid like you did before.
mom: i like it. i like it a lot.
sister: uhhhh…
brother: you remind me of jenny.
sister, again: judy you look uhhh….. interesting.
dad: it’s very nice! you look older, not like some little kid like you did before. (but in chinese)
sister, yet again: very interesting. not like a freak… uhhh, just interesting. yeah.
my boyfriend: i didn’t recognize you.
i meant to put a wave in it. the lady said “if we use curlers that are too big, it will straighten out in 2 shampoos! and you want it to stay, or else why pay so much? so we use these curlers” and i said “derr, ok”
but i wanted a change. so i like it.
Ack! What’s it look like?!
since that doesn’t seem to be working, try this instead.
Pretty girl!!
i like it! but are you going to have to keep perming it every month?
well, the haircut lady said “it will last at least a month” … so, if i want it to stay this way, i guess. but it also takes $$$, which i would rather spend on… food. so we’ll see.
hehehe. how cute. but yes. food is surprisingly expensive .. and i guess it’s not optional.