
i am in berkeley. i am a tuna. the stare at the wall club lives! jennnykins: hey jennnykins: july is only one letter away from judy Sir Dobel: judy is *also* only one letter away from jury,…..and booty [almost] one ray of sunlight to hold in my hand cuz this whole world needs an anthem… Continue reading Untitled


KRDogstar (12:09:51 PM): hey juddie juddietuna (12:09:56 PM): hiiiii KRDogstar (12:09:59 PM): lan and i were talking about american idol juddietuna (12:10:03 PM): HAHAHA KRDogstar (12:10:07 PM): and she says: “you should’ve entered judy!” juddietuna (12:10:21 PM): i just ran into this guy stuart that lived in foothill freshman year KRDogstar (12:10:23 PM): and i… Continue reading Untitled


DirectDK (2:34:24 AM): do we have a meeitng tomorrow? DirectDK (2:34:26 AM): for smt? DirectDK (2:34:43 AM): same old time? DirectDK (2:34:52 AM): what is it, 8:45? DirectDK (2:34:55 AM): 7:45? DirectDK (2:35:47 AM): we have reading too huh DirectDK (2:37:49 AM): i have this funny feeling DirectDK (2:37:52 AM): that i have a one… Continue reading Untitled


today is september 11, 2002. the campanile tolled the usual 12 times at noon today, and a full minute of silence was supposed to follow, as indicated in an email from chancellor berdahl (or berdhal?). i was sitting out on memorial glade with ryan by this time, and lots of people were talking and bustling… Continue reading today


Jennnykins (4:49:08 PM): do you want to get dinner and then go to the thing juddietuna (4:49:27 PM): hey, ok Jennnykins (4:49:41 PM): hey, cool! juddietuna (4:49:49 PM): hey, all right! Jennnykins (4:49:54 PM): hey, good times! juddietuna (4:49:59 PM): hey, where? juddietuna (4:50:03 PM): hey, and when? Jennnykins (4:50:04 PM): hey, when? Jennnykins (4:50:07… Continue reading Untitled