…which makes me very sad, i was hoping for a 3rd album! and i’d just fallen in love with them over the summer–yes i know i’m a little late! i remember doris was madly in love with them for a while there… once we were sitting in your kitchen and i was trying to sing harmony to truly madly deeply… and finally you couldn’t take it anymore and said “YOU’RE SINGING IT TOO HIGH!!!” and i said weakly “but i was singing harmony??” … evidently not very well!!! hehe =) i remember liking their songs a lot back then (and thinking that daniel jones was very good looking) but i’d never heard any of their not-single songs… yeah. so i’m a little slower than everybody else.
my voice hurts and my eyes do too. i haven’t worn my contacts at ALL since school started… it’s been what, 6 weeks now? i need a new prescription desperately. in lecture… “what does that say? jal?” *sigh*
judy is being disjointed, don’t mind her