sasha’s lyrics project, “sweater”

update: got it working

I recently learned that Sasha died last week. I don’t have words. I’m really sad. I scrolled through her facebook all the way back to 2020 to find a link to sweater, a ruby app she made that replaces words in lyrics with other, rhyming, words. The Heroku project she had it on is no longer active. So I’m going to try to put it back up. Here is what I am doing.

1. Forked tastycode/sweater to judytuna/sweater on github
2. Reset Heroku password lol
3. Add a credit card to Heroku. Looks like there’s no free tier at all anymore and now it’s a $5 “eco” tier for the same thing (pooled resources that turn off when you’re not using them).
3a. My credit card got this error “Error The provided PaymentMethod was previously used with a PaymentIntent without Customer attachment, shared with a connected account without Customer attachment, or was detached from a Customer. It may not be used again. To use a PaymentMethod multiple times, you must attach it to a Customer first.” lol
3b. Ok a different card worked. Subscribed to Eco.
4. Created new Heroku app “sweater”
5. Connected Heroku to Github and selected judytuna/sweater
6. I hit the Deploy button
dammit it didn’t work

An error occurred while installing nokogiri (1.10.10), and Bundler cannot
In Gemfile:
! Failed to install gems via Bundler.
! Push rejected, failed to compile Ruby app.
! Push failed

Uhhh is nokogiri 1.10.10 super out of date lol
8. add my public key to github lol, all of mine expired i guess
9. clone sweater project on my mac
10. hahahaha rvm is here and lo and behold i have ruby version 2.7.0 on here already
11. rvm gemset create sweater
12. rvm use 2.7.0@sweater
13. bundle i
14. bundle exec ruby server.rb <--error, no file called server.rb. lol it's sweater.rb. let's change that in the README.
15. bundle exec ruby sweater.rb <--local server is up! yay!
16. go to localhost:4567
17. see it running flawlessly
18. put in get busy by sean paul, get ridiculous words back lol 19. ddg search “how to get nokogiri to build on heroku”, got 20. tried, pushed, deploy failed hmm 21. gem update nokogiri judytuna@ikran19 sweater % gem update nokogiri
Updating installed gems
Updating nokogiri
Fetching nokogiri-1.16.7-x86_64-darwin.gem
ERROR: Error installing nokogiri:
There are no versions of nokogiri (= 1.16.7) compatible with your Ruby & RubyGems. Maybe try installing an older version of the gem you're looking for?
nokogiri requires Ruby version >= 3.0, < The current ruby version is Gems updated: nokogiri
lol hmm
22. ddg "what's the last nokogiri version that works with ruby 2.7.0" lol, got 1.15.5
23. ok, updated the Gemfile, ran bundle
24. bundle exec ruby sweater.rb locally, it works still
25. pushed to github... let's check heroku... build success! go to and application error. hmm.
26. gem install heroku <--oh that doesn't work anymore 27. says use brew. ok Error: Xcode alone is not sufficient on Ventura.
Install the Command Line Tools:
xcode-select --install

28. ok, did that, oh no 82 hours remaining wtf
29. get a whiteclaw
30. i picked watermelon flavor
31. oh god 82 hours remaining still why
32. save and publish this post <--oh god it looks terrible. why 33. i guess i'll manually add br to every line? why is my wordpress editor so fucked? 34. went into wordpress settings, realize i had "classic" editor and "allow users to change editors: no" so i changed it 35. changed it to use the "block editor" , saved, reloaded, it looks better now but some code is still fucked up. shrug 36. 1h14m remaining down from 82, that's good 37. 16m remaining! 38. sigh i finished my whiteclaw. should i get another one 39. no 40. omg finally at 20:17 it finished. 41. oh says only
3.1.6, Rubygems: 3.3.27
3.2.5, Rubygems: 3.4.19
3.3.5, Rubygems: 3.5.16

are supported. ok.
42. bundle update , bundle exec ruby sweater.rb, still works locally
43. install the latest version of rvm
44. rvm install 3.2.4 per
45. wait a long time, Requirements installation failed with status: 1. something about mysql?
==> mysql
Upgrading from MySQL <8.4 to MySQL >9.0 requires running MySQL 8.4 first:
- brew services stop mysql
- brew install mysql@8.4
- brew services start mysql@8.4
- brew services stop mysql@8.4
- brew services start mysql

46. ok did that… now running rvm install 3.3.5 cuz that’s the latest, and Heroku supports it
47. ruby-3.3.5 - #compiling - please wait
Error running '__rvm_make -j4',
please read /Users/judytuna/.rvm/log/1729313256_ruby-3.3.5/make.log

There has been an error while running make. Halting the installation.
ok… searching gets me so i tried rvm install ruby-3.2.1 -C --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local/etc/openssl@3 but with 3.3.5. (first i ls /usr/local/etc/openssl@ and saw that 3 existed)
48. it’s 21:57 now. the #configuring step takes a long long time.
judytuna@ikran19 sweater % bundle update
Could not load OpenSSL.
You must recompile Ruby with OpenSSL support.

oh god
49. trying rvm reinstall ruby-3.3.5 -C --with-open-ssl-dir=/usr/local/bin/openssl
ruby-3.3.5 - #compiling - please wait
Error running '__rvm_make -j4',
please read /Users/judytuna/.rvm/log/1729314684_ruby-3.3.5/make.log
again. so i’m trying , which seems kinda bad cuz it’s gonna use ssl 1.1? is that bad actually?
brew uninstall gnupg gnutls libevent unbound wget
Error: Refusing to uninstall /usr/local/Cellar/libevent/2.1.12_1, /usr/local/Cellar/unbound/1.22.0 and /usr/local/Cellar/gnutls/3.8.4
because they are required by lima and qemu, which are currently installed.
You can override this and force removal with:
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies gnupg gnutls libevent unbound wget
judytuna@ikran19 sweater % brew uninstall gnupg gnutls libevent unbound wget lima qemu

but then i decided to try instead so
brew install openssl@1.1 # May say “already installed and up-to-date”, which is just fine
rvm install 3.1.4 --with-openssl-dir="$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1)"

*** note to self: later you must run brew install gnupg gnutls libevent unbound wget lima qemu

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