Have you been to a silent disco? I highly, highly recommend it. It’s surreal when you take off your headphones and see everyone jamming out to the sound of silence, or to waves crashing. Here’s a neat writeup of the concept (and its history, and a bit about how he got there) by one of the founders of Silent Frisco: http://ignite.me/articles/artist-interviews/robbie-kowal-aka-motion-potion-talks-silent-disco/#sthash.rQe2IBKA.dpuf
At sunset, someone came up to me and said “your shirt matches the sky exactly. Get someone to take a picture of you.” She was awesome and full of joy. She passed us again when we were all leaving, and said “thank you for being here.” So I looked for myself in some of the party promoter’s pictures:
If only finding myself were really that easy.
I had a ton of fun. I wasn’t there for very long, and I got totally distracted by RUNNING INTO THE OCEAN so I missed the end of the set that I came to see, but it was all worth it because RUNNING INTO THE OCEAN. Irene turned to me in the waves and said, “it’s so great to be alive.”
It’s so great to be alive.
I do enjoy a nice Silent Disco. If you get the change be sure to check out a Decentralized Dance Party: http://www.decentralizeddanceparty.com/
I’d love to! I hope people yell about them when they hear about events.
Also check out Robot Dance Party: http://robotdanceparty.org/ , which you’ve probably seen on the thread over at Adi’s http://stuffthought.com/blog/?p=810 =) The robot is not super mobile, but the speakers are really sweet. There should be a version where many smaller robots use social stereo to make a traveling robot dance party. SO MANY DREAMS
I also have massive dreams of linked LED shirts and dresses that show coordinated patterns. Clearly they need to be synced to the music for roving dance parties. ALL THE DREAMS