Catholicism lets me tap into an insta-community almost anywhere I go. Haha. I guess part of what draws me to it is the worldwide/universal/hierarchy thing–I like to be told what my place is; it feels more “official” and thereby “real;” if hundreds of thousands of other people do it too I feel more validated, like I don’t have to “do the research myself” to find out if it’s a “good” religion that’s “worth my time” because if all these other people belong surely there’s some good in it. All more indictative of my sheep-like inclinations rather than true religious fervor or values or rational thinking, but all that’s overrated anyway

Not bashing small one-church churches (I followed some friends to one semi-regularly for a time)–just that I like feeling part of something very large, with structure that’s basically the same wherever you go–that’s comforting to me, the unity. And communities are vastly different between parishes of course

I think I go to church not because I believe God is the single most important thing in my life and that I have so much faith and trust in Him but because I get lonely and like to be around people. Maybe that’s a little harsh on myself