another thing

I voxed the extended Assassin that was just released on the KoC single (in Europe)–you can hear it here! Why “Grand Omega Bosses edit” ? A few years ago on an American tour they started encoding their setlists with messages to their fans. They called the as-yet unnamed Assassin (which back then had the middle riff that’s not on bh&r) “Debase Masons Grog,” an anagram of “Messageboard Song.” Grand Omega Bosses is another anagram. =) They also had these bikes that they couldn’t take back to England with them, so they tied them up under a bridge and then hid messages to fans in their setlists telling them where to find them. One of the people who got one of the bikes is still an active member on the message boards and stuff.

They still do it–as recently as August. On someone called “Mr. X” posted a 30-second preview clip of the bside on the Starlight single before it came out, only accessible after decoding a REALLY elaborate message. It involved, among other things, patterns, puzzles, using base64 to get a url to a flickr image that was a sudoku you had to solve to get the password to the file…

I love this band.