Re: Some corrections

Furryhealing here again. 🙂

I replied to the comments you left on my blog, but I had to read what was said here too. I completely understand your post (rather than article? :)) was ranty in nature, but I’ve seen reactions similar to your post a couple of times but this was the first time I really had time to create an intelligable response to them.

Like I said in my first comment I found this post because its a blog which links to mine (neat little thing Technorati) so I wanted to see how they were related. I’m glad I did.

I didn’t think what you wrote sounded like an attack on the author, more like an attack on the perceived attitude shared by people who raid at such a high level. Its been my experience they are not really elitist, many of them are actually quite helpful to people attempting to learn encounters they have beaten, unless its something which was just defeated unlocking the next boss (such as Four Horsemen and Sapphiron). For an example of this you can look at

Funny I just said they aren’t elitist and then point at forums called elitist jerks, however its the name of their guild and I’ve found most of their members to be quite nice people. There are multiple posts there helping up and coming guilds learn encounters which they have been farming for years with no condescension or mocking attitude.

Best of luck in learning more about RDX, if you have any questions you know where to find me. 😉