I think the arguments against her have merit, but i think the slant that hitchens takes against her is hard to swallow because he makes himself sound like such a bigoted ass. He can’t seem to wrap his limited mind around the fact that people can be intelligent and hold a religion. But if you go to a secular humanist web site, don’t expect warm fuzzies towards religion. Also, don’t expect a shrewed interviewer, since he’s unabashedly on hitchens’ side.
Personally, I disagree with Mother Theresa’s more conservative philosophies, and her apparent anti-technology practices. But honestly, i feel like i’m divorced from this discussion since I’m not Catholic. The underlying question in all these criticisms is “should she be a saint?” (though sometimes unsuccessfully disguised as public regard), but whether she should or not doesn’t strike a chord with me, since i don’t believe in the status of sainthood. She was who she was, and the world only seems to care because of her celebrity status.